About Us
Saving and Rehoming Strays is run by small team - primarily volunteers giving their time for admin, fundraising and looking after the dogs in our care. We work closely with experienced rescuers in Romania and the UK.
We are a kennel-free rescue which means, wherever possible, our dogs live in social social groups within specially designed zones designed to cater for their specific needs. This, coupled with regular interaction with our onsite volunteers, helps them build their socialisation skills whilst they patiently wait to find their forever homes.
As a small rescue we have very little funding so are reliant on our supporters and donators to allow us to operate and to continue to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome.
If you would like to see how you can help just click the links below - thank you!
Our Team
We are a small charity and are formed by a close-knit team who all work so hard to make our charity what it is today. So come along and meet the team…

Founder and General Manager
For anyone who knows the charity, Claire needs absolutely no introduction! She is our founder and was involved in dog rescue long before Saving and Rehoming Strays became a formal charity (for going on 12 Years now!). During this time, Claire has worked tirelessly to save and rehome countless dogs (and other animals) and her adventures doing this have taken her far and wide…even living in a caravan with no electricity or running water. She will always put the animals first and gives 110% every single day to make sure they receive the care and love they all deserve. From first thing in the morning until late at night, Claire is always on the go for the benefit of the charity and doggies in our care - it is difficult to narrow down her role as she is involved in pretty much everything! It is by absolutely no means an easy task that Claire has chosen to dedicate her life to, and thousands of doggos owe their lives to her amazing work.

Well we wouldn’t be a very good dog rescue without some doggo on the board would we?? We have 2 Ambassadogs (Stella & Suki) who represent SRS and are excellent role models in demonstrating additional physical needs should never hold you back! Stella is paralysed but certainly never lets this stop her getting where she wants to go and Suki is fully blind but refuses to let this slow her down! Stella often represents the charity at off-site events so please pop along to meet this wonderful pup! At SRS, we believe all dogs are deserving of a loving home, no matter what their circumstances, and we are so proud to have these 2 amazing doggo flying the flag for us!

Louise is our charity Chairperson and is one of the most organised and dedicated people you could hope to meet. There is a whole bunch of admin and organising that goes in to running a charity that it’s hard to list (we’d be here all day!). Never one to shy away from work, Louise is always willing to step up and go the extra mile - everyone needs a Louise in their life and we are so grateful to have her onboard!

Cath is our wonderful treasurer who keep track of all the pennies coming and going! It’s no mean task and she does an amazing job. As a small charity that relies entirely on donations and grants, we have to be very sensible with our spendings - but we also want to make sure the dogs in our rescue receive nothing less than the best care they deserve! This require a lot of spreadsheets and calculations behind the scenes and we are very lucky to have Cath keeping everything in order!

Grants Coordinator
As a small charity, a significant portion of our income comes from grants and we are always so grateful for every generous donation we receive. Grant submissions are a big part of allowing us to continue to run as we do, and Sally is the woman for the job! She is always there to put SRS on the map and has been integral in obtaining funding for many vital projects around DC.

Probably better known for her other role (as dog-mum to our Ambassadog Suki), she is also the Secretary for SRS. Katie is involved in replying to any correspondence that comes in for the charity as well as organising and documenting regular meetings and catch ups between the team members to keep everything ticking along. She is also responsible for liaising with our fantastic volunteers (current and new!) to help in growing our team.

We are so lucky to have an amazing group of dedicated volunteers who give up their time to help us in our mission. No task is too big, and we count ourselves very lucky for the support they provide. It is abundantly clear that each and every one of them loves the doggos in our care and wants the absolute best for them. If you may be interested in joining this amazing crew, you can find further information by clicking the button below.

In addition to our direct team members, we are very fortunate to have a dedicated group of supporters (far and wide) who have followed the works of the charity and provided support in so many different ways to help us operate as we do. To each and every one of you - thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Why Romania?
There are thousands of dogs on the streets because of the political history and the country's refusal to neuter and spay dogs. Many die on the streets beaten, poisoned, starved and subject to horrific attacks by humans who believe they are vermin. If they are rounded up by the authorities they end up in brutal public shelters, where there is little food, comfort or warmth, no veterinary aid and many are left to die from injuries or sickness. These dogs have been through hell before being rescued. After two weeks they are usually killed, painful lethal injections into the heart. There is no government support for rescue centers and no official re-homing centers. That's where we come in.
Out of thousands of dogs only a few will be plucked to safety by rescue groups like Saving and Rehoming Strays. Once we have found someone to adopt a dog, the wheels are set in motion to raise funds to transport it to the UK. They are neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, checked by a vet and given a passport to travel.
The dogs then travel to the UK on the "happy bus" where they either go to a foster family, to our centre for assessment or straight to their new families.